Introducing the unique medical group ethically healing thousands of patients

Back in 2010, successful multi-disciplinary business leader Max Lewinsohn was suffering from a knee injury caused by multiple sports injuries over the years. Having tried numerous solutions, he sceptically turned to Wellbeing International Foundation and was so impressed with the results that he joined the board as chairman following a reorganisation in 2016.
A medical research and advisory group that has discovered how to optimise the body’s own defences, so as to fight injury and disease whilst also providing a significant boost to the immune system, Wellbeing International Foundation focusses on cell-free therapy using a client’s own extracellular vesicles (EVs), obtained from each client’s own stem cells, to help stimulate the regeneration and repair of damaged tissue in a wide range of pathologies.
Stringently against the use of stem cells taken from other individuals or embryos, Wellbeing promotes the benefits of cell-free therapy, utilising elements naturally secreted by the patient’s own stem cells.
Having started his professional career as a chartered accountant, Lewinsohn was exposed early on to the commercial world and has crafted a 45-plus year career gaining experience at board level in the financial services, real estate, healthcare and energy sectors. He is also a successful entrepreneur with many triumphs in areas as diverse as energy, shipping, film production, medical research and sport.
Inspired in part by his daughter who was then living and working deep in the Amazon basin on various environmental projects, Max latterly shifted his focus towards energy conservation and optimal health.
As a result, he became chairman of the board at energy conservation company MicroPower Global, as well as Wellbeing International Foundation.
Under Lewinsohn’s guidance Wellbeing is well into a five-year organic growth plan, planning to assist more than 1,000 new clients annually, and looking to establish five Wellbeing-affiliated clinics, in major international centres, each with a capacity to help 1,000 new clients per year.
Aside from planning to build an even stronger brand awareness and excellent reputation, based on high ethical standards, irrefutable scientific evidence and client endorsements, Wellbeing is aiming to undertake clinical trials to obtain provisional approval in multiple international jurisdictions with a view to concentrate on four key areas of business: Regenerative medicine, degenerative conditions, sports medicine and cell banking.
Additionally, the company will continue research in conjunction with universities and others, to enhance protocols for the most effective therapy, and to broaden the range of conditions that benefit from treatment. This will lead to the establishment of a charity to assist as many worthy cases as possible, where clients cannot afford the treatment.
While it is now widely understood that cell-to-cell communication plays an incredibly sophisticated and important role in stimulating repair in the human body, what is less well understood is that stem cells, long viewed as the miraculous breakthrough that will revolutionise medicine, do not work as originally thought. As a result, Wellbeing is building relationships with medical authorities, hospitals and practitioners, both in the private and public sectors, as well as medical insurance companies, to demonstrate how the use of EVs for self-defence could ease the pressure on medical and hospital costs over the long term.

Indeed, the tide of thought is now turning Wellbeing’s way with thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers having been published on the role that EVs play in stimulating repair and regeneration in damaged tissue, as opposed to the stem cells themselves. It is these EVs, produced naturally in their billions, that form the basis of Wellbeing’s therapy.
Discover more about Wellbeing International Foundation here.