Book reviews: The Giving Way to Happiness

One of the key findings in The Global Family Office Report 2016 has been the increased interest in impact investing and Santi's new book on families and philanthropy offers a lot of insight into why families give. She uses a famous Churchill quote to set the scene: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. Santi, who works with and advises wealthy families at UBS, delves into the reasons why clans give so much back to society. As one of her clients told her, their own acts of giving were transforming their lives and bringing them fulfillment in a way that was different from—and sometimes greater than—what they got from material wealth. The number of real life examples Santi uses, such as CNN's Ted Turner, demonstrates her understanding, expertise, and knowledge of this burgeoning space.
The Giving Way to Happiness By Jenny Santi
Rated 4,5/5
Published by Tarcher, Penguin
Pages 330
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